Saturday, May 10, 2008


Easter is always a fun time of year. I've always loved Easter. Not only do I love coloring eggs, but I love easter egg hunts, the candy, but most of all the special time that Easter is. We're still working on developing our own special family tradition, but we have had fun coloring easter eggs every year. This was the first year we let Liam color eggs - as many of you might know, coloring easter eggs can be a dicey and messy process - many opportunities for spills and stains! We waited until Galen was three before we let him help out too. So, here is our first batch of a full family easter egg coloring fest! Mostly Thane and I colored the eggs, but the kids gave us lots of directions about what to do. We all had fun and looked forward to our easter egg hunt the next day.

For our easter egg hunt we use plastic easter eggs that we can put candy in. We've mostly decided that easter shouldn't be about presents, but candy is one thing that is a fun surprise for easter - you just gotta have the chocolate bunny for easter, and who can pass up a Cadbury creme egg? So, we have lots of fun hiding the eggs and then during the hunt there are usually lots of "Hmmm, what's over here?" and "Hey, what's that over there?" but it's a joy to watch their excitement. I think next year we'll move the hunt outside! Hopefully we'll be able to convince the kids to continue with their equal sharing and divying up of the loot once the hunt is over, but, alas, only time will tell and I'm not holding my breath for total peace on eastern morn with two boys ;^)

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