Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day at the Park

We went to the park recently, nothing special, just hanging out at the park, but I snapped a few pics and I thought some of these were really cute and I wanted to share them. Liam just wanted to swing and swing. I couldn't get him out of the thing! I think it wasn't until maybe the last 10 minutes we were there that he finally got out, so he must have been in it for about 20 minutes or more! Galen was having a blast, throwing sand as usual, running all over, and trying to play with a couple little girls that were obviously having fun and which he wanted in on the action. It was cute how he wanted to play with them, but it was pretty clear he was a 'boy' and they weren't going to have any of that! Ah, the age old struggle begins at such a young age!

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